Monday, September 24, 2012


Every day I became more exhausted. No child had more zest for life than this little boy and he lived life to its fullest. We had to know where he was every second of every day. If there was quiet for more than a minute, I knew I need to find Todd immediately. This wasn't something that occurred once a week or even once a day. This was something that happened multiple times an hour! I found myself looking forward to bedtime but as soon as I laid down I dreaded waking up the next morning to have everything start all over again. Ever day I feared would be Todd's last day.

One cold winter day while I was nursing, Todd unlocked all the deadbolts and ran. I got up and immediately and called my friend just to make sure he was there. When she told me no, I was terrified. As I was getting my car keys, the phone rang. A neighbor around the block and behind us said Todd was at their house. He showed up totally naked except his winter coat. Her mother had been staying with her for a few days and answered the door. She told my friend that there was a little boy at the door with no clothes on and only a coat. She knew immediately who he was.

I was always so grateful for friends and neighbors who watched out for him.

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